
Which Technologies Help in Expanding Reach to the Customer?

  Which Technologies Help in Expanding Reach to the Customer?   To the customer, you are the company," reads the title of an article on Shep Hyken's website. In many ways, this statement rings true. What better way to stand out from the competition than making a connection with the customers? As cliche as it sounds, what really makes a successful business is not the cost of the product or service. It is not the marketing or advertising budget or even the gross margin. What truly sets a company apart from its competition is how well its target customers receive its products or services. On that note, lend me the leverage to quote the father of management thinking, Peter Drucker — "Quality in a service or product is not what you put into in. It is what the customer gets out of it." It is worth noting, however, that the relationship between a company and its customer is not always as clear-cut or straightforward as the aforementioned quote suggests.  For example, while ...

The Top 3 AR Use Cases in Customer Support

The Top 3 AR Use Cases in Customer Support In 2019, Gartner removed Augmented Reality (AR) from its  hype cycle  (an annual visualization of emerging technologies). The consulting giant believed that the technology had "matured" and that it no longer presented a hype cycle opportunity.  Even though the reason was plausible, the speculations for the exclusion were rife. After all, AR had been regularly featuring in the hype cycle since 2005. So, had it really matured? Or did it simply fall out of favor? From an industry standpoint, neither of these arguments really fit. Despite the "sober" predictions around AR, the technology has continued to grow, innovating new use cases on a daily basis. This is to imply that it has reached application "maturity" but still touts of unprecedented potential. And this is good, really good. As for the customer support industry, AR has indeed set the tone for becoming ubiquitous. It's no longer an isolated product featur...

10 Ways AI Chatbot Support Redefines the Customer Service Industry

 10 Ways AI Chatbot Support Redefines the Customer Service Industry One of the most daunting challenges for start-ups and large established enterprises alike is figuring out how to provide the best customer service experience possible. That's why they talk about chatbots being introduced into the industry sounds more intriguing than ever! It takes a lot of pressure off companies to stay up on social media, answer phones, or respond to customer email inquiries. Chatbots, as a rule, are automated programs designed to simulate conversation with natural language. Most importantly, they work 24/7 and can even answer questions from your customers in multiple languages. Not to mention that they can analyze millions of data points per second, which allows them to act more like consultants rather than sales representatives. For the purpose of brevity, this article will highlight ten ways AI chatbot support redefines the customer service industry.  1. Chatbot support enables you to scal...

5 Ways to Turn Your IT Support Team Into Superheroes

  5 Ways to Turn Your IT Support Team Into Superheroes Most SaaS and cloud-based businesses face the challenge of accommodating an extremely complex customer support system owing to the sophisticated nature of customer queries they receive and issues they encounter. Considering that more than 80% of the customers expect an instant response, it becomes imperative for businesses to invest in a customer support system that delivers excellent results within the stipulated time frame.  Perhaps the best way to achieve that is by empowering the IT support team with actionable data and insights so that they know exactly what to do while catering to a specific scenario. This entails providing a 360° view of the resources, assimilating AI into the workflow, and taking advantage of advanced support tools.  The adherence to the above means that you're preparing your IT support team to be agile and creative. In reality, there's a lot more you can do to ensure that your team literally...

What is the Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Care - The Ultimate Guide

  What is the Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Care - The Ultimate Guide     The application of a "technology" in a restrained "field" is assessed based on different factors — from the speed of adoption and distribution to perceived value and associated Quality of Service (QoS). Aspects such as cost efficiency, innovation, ease of use, reliability, scalability, etc., also contribute to the idea of a technology aptly befitting the social context.  And like most technologies that have stamped themselves in society (in disparate fields), Artificial Intelligence has "established" a strong case for its capabilities in heightening the notion of super-effective and optimized customer care .  In a paper dating back to 1992, Debra Logan and Jeffrey Kenyon from Carnegie Group Inc. elaborated on the software solution named "Helpdesk" and how it drove the assimilation of conventional architectures and AI technology to streamline the "admini...