5 Ways to Turn Your IT Support Team Into Superheroes

5 Ways to Turn Your IT Support Team Into Superheroes Most SaaS and cloud-based businesses face the challenge of accommodating an extremely complex customer support system owing to the sophisticated nature of customer queries they receive and issues they encounter. Considering that more than 80% of the customers expect an instant response, it becomes imperative for businesses to invest in a customer support system that delivers excellent results within the stipulated time frame. Perhaps the best way to achieve that is by empowering the IT support team with actionable data and insights so that they know exactly what to do while catering to a specific scenario. This entails providing a 360° view of the resources, assimilating AI into the workflow, and taking advantage of advanced support tools. The adherence to the above means that you're preparing your IT support team to be agile and creative. In reality, there's a lot more you can do to ensure that your team literally...